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Good Food and Wine Show in Durban

6th August 2013


Cape Town, 8 July 2013 – Pick n Pay’s Fresh Living magazine published by John Brown Media, together with lead sponsors Knorr and Spekko, are delighted to announce the launch of Freshly Blogged, South Africa’s first online, food blogger cooking competition.

Lisa Visser, Pick n Pay’s Group Account Director at John Brown, says the idea originated as a way to create a communication platform for content generators and the public. “We wanted to create something that hadn’t been done in the digital realm in South Africa, a platform to nurture and engage with bloggers, and involve the public, whilst promoting the vast quality product range our client Pick n Pay has to offer.”

1. Steps to enter the Competition:

  • Tell us why you deserve to be the lucky winner of two tickets to attend the Good Food and Wine Show in Durban, with the compliments of Spekko Rice, by posting a comment on our Spekko Rice Facebook wall.


2. Closing Date:

  • The Competition closes on Wednesday 7 August 2013 at 14:00.
    • All entries received after this date and time will be invalid and will not be considered.


3. Selection of Winners:

  • The Promoter of this Competition will select the five (5) best comments posted on the Spekko Rice Facebook wall.
  • The selection will take place on Wednesday 7 August 2013 at 15:00.
  • The decision of the Promoter will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.


4. Notification of Winners:

  • The five (5) winners will be announced on the Spekko Rice Facebook Page on Wednesday 7 August 2013 at 17:00.


5. Eligible participants:

  • In order to qualify to be entered into the Competition, you must “Like” our Spekko Rice Facebook page and post your comment on our wall before the closing date and time of the Competition.
  • You must be 18 years or older.
  • You must be South African citizen who is in possession of a valid South African identity document.
  • One entry per person.
  • You may not enter the Competition if you are a director, member, partner, employee or agent of, or consultant to the Promoter or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the Promoter, or if you are a supplier of goods or services in connection with the Competition.
  • You may not enter the Competition if you are a family member or spouse of the Promoter or their advertising or marketing consultants.


6. Prizes:

  • Five sets of double tickets to attend the Good Food and Wine Show in Durban on the 8th to the 11th of August 2013 will be given away to the five eligible participants that posted the best comments.
  • The prize does not include travel to or from the event in Durban and winners are required to make their own travel arrangements.
  • The winners will be notified on Wednesday 7 August 2013 of the venue and time where they can collect their tickets.
  • Winners will have to identify themselves with a valid South African identity document and sign a receipt for any prize received. Failure to claim the prize or a refusal or inability to comply herewith will disqualify the winner and a new winner will be drawn in their place at the sole discretion of the Promoter.


7. Publicity of the winners:

  • The winners agree that their names may be posted on the Spekko Rice Facebook Page, Spekko Rice website as well as the Spekko Rice mobi site.
  • The Promoter reserves the right to request that the winners provide feedback on their experience and the winners agree that this feedback may be posted on the Spekko Rice Facebook Page, Spekko Rice website as well as the Spekko Rice mobi site, which request the winners may decline.
  • The Promoter reserves the right to request that images taken of the winners be used for publicity purposes in any manner they deem fit, without any further remuneration being made payable to the winners, which request the winners may decline.


8. Termination of Competition:

  • The Promoter shall have the right to terminate the Competition immediately and without notice for any reason beyond its control requiring this. In the event of such termination, all participants agree to waive any rights that they may have in terms of this promotion and acknowledge that they will have no recourse against the Promoter, its agents or its staff.


9. The Promoter:

  • Pioneer Foods (Pty) Ltd is the Promoter of this Competition.


10. Competition Terms and Conditions

  • Participation in the Competition constitutes acceptance of the Competition rules and entrants agree to abide by the rules.
  • You may request a copy of the Competition Terms and Conditions by sending a request to info@mobimedia.co.za.