Tumelo Sebopa
Tumelo Sebopa – True Love Food editor
She is the person in the food business who gives the nicest hugs. But don’t be taken – she is a top food editor, a baker to reckon with and a supermom to boot.
With training in food technology, a stint as food manager at Woolworths and an internship with Dorah Sitole, Tumelo can certainly be counted amongst the people who have a thorough, through-the-line insight into, and knowledge of the food business.
She is actually not best known for being food editor of one of the top women’s glossies in South Africa, but rather for the scrumptious cakes, confectionary and wedding cakes she bakes.
To get to know her, Spekko asked her some questions:
What’s the best cake you ever baked?
A double chocolate fudge cake. To die for.
The best local foods?
Tripe, chicken livers and ox liver.
What would you eat when alone?
A stir-fry with lots of ginger.
Your favourite spice?
I like spice blends. Perhaps Cajun spice is my best.
Which herb do you prefer?
Ginger of course – but coriander is not far behind.
You best rice recipe?
A spicy, savory rice. That is always on top of the list at events.
What can’t you eat?
Any raw fish. That said, I love cooked fish.
What would be your ultimate ‘food dream’?
To spend 3 months working in the kitchen with Donna Hay (Australian chef, cookbook author and magazine publisher).
What are your other BIG food dreams?
To own a bistro.
Personally, what are your ideals?
I have a small son who is autistic, so I want to set up a foundation to find a cure for kids with similar problems.
Where do you live?
Atteridgeville in Pretoria with my parents. My mom was a professional nurse and my dad in education. My sister helps enormously with baking cakes and running that side of the business.
Spekko fans can get more of Tumelo’s recipes on our website, or buy the latest issue of True Love Magazine.