Cooking Tips
Spekkolicious - Make Meals More!

Give your rice a good rinse before cooking, it will cook up separately and scrumptious. Adding seasoning to rice while cooking can ruin its natural flavour. Rather let the natural aroma of Spekko rice invigorate your senses. Older rice loses its moisture and needs to be cooked in more water than fresh rice. Besides speeding up the cooking, this gives the rice a softer, fluffier texture.
Cooking Instructions:
Serves 3 - 4
250 ml (1 cup / 200 g) Spekko Rice
Salt to taste
Stove top:
1 l (4 cups) cold water
1 l (4 cups) cold water
Cooking: On the stove
Place Spekko Rice, water and salt (optional) in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Reduce to medium heat and cook for 20 - 25 minutes. Spekko long grain rice can then be strained or cooked until all water is absorbed.Cooking: In the microwave
Place Spekko Rice, boiling water and salt (optional) in an uncovered microwave dish. Microwave on high (100%) for 20 - 25 minutes. Spekko Long Grain Rice can then be strained.
Variations in appliance temperature and altitude will influence cooking time and yield; these are a guide only.
Cooking Instructions:
Serves 4-5
250 ml (1 cup) SAMAN Brown Long grain Parboiled Rice
500 ml (2 cups) cold water for cooking
Salt to taste (optional)
Stove top:
Cooking: On the stove
Place the rice, cooking water and salt (optional) in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
Reduce heat, cover with lid tilted for 35 - 40 minutes until all the water is absorbed.Cooking: In the microwave
Place the rice, cooking water and salt (optional) in a microwave dish.
Microwave uncovered on high (100%) for 35 - 40 minutes
Allow to stand for 5 minutes or until all the water has been absorbed.
Variations in appliance temperature and altitude will influence cooking time and yield; these are a guide only.
Cooking Instructions:
Serves 3 - 4
250 ml (1 cup) Royal Umbrella Jasmine Long Grain White Rice
500 ml (2 cups) cold water for cooking
Salt to taste (optional)
Stove top:
Cooking: On the stove
+/- 20 minutes
Place the rice, cooking water and salt (optional) in a saucepan and bring to a boil while stirring occasionally.
Cooking: In the microwave
+/- 20 minutes
Place the rice, cooking water and salt (optional) in a microwave dish and cover with a lid.
Microwave on high (100%) for 12 minutes.
Allow to stand for 8 minutes or until all the water has been absorbed.
Variations in appliance temperature and altitude will influence cooking time and yield; these are a guide only
Cooking Instructions:
Serves 4
250 ml (1 cup) SAMAN Pure White Rice
Salt to taste (optional)
Stove top:
1,25l (5 cups) cold water for cooking
625 ml (2,5 cups boiling water)
Cooking: On the stove
20 - 25 minutes
Bring cooking water to the boil, add salt (optional) and rice.
Cook uncovered for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and drain.
Place rice in colander or sieve over boiling water and steam for 5 - 10 minutes.Cooking: In the microwave
15 - 20 minutes
Place rice in colander or sieve and rinse under cold running water until water runs clear.
Place rice, water and salt (optional) in a microwave dish & cover with lid.
Microwave on high (100%) for 15 minutes.
Allow to stand for 5 minutes.
Variations in appliance temperature and altitude will influence cooking time and yield; these are a guide only.
Cooking Instructions:
Serves 4-5
250 ml (1 cup) INDIA GATE Basmati Long Grain White Rice
Salte to taste (optional)
Stove top:
1,25l (5 cups) boiling water
500 ml (2 cups boiling water)
Cooking: On the stove
5 minutes
Bring cooking water to rolling boil, and add the drained, soaked rice and stir gently. Cook uncovered on medium heat for 5 minutes.
Drain and rinse with more boiling water. Strain excess water and serveCooking: In the microwave
5 - 7 minutes
Put the drained, soaked rice and the boiling water in a microwave dish and cover the lid.
Microwave on high (100%) for approximately 5 minutes.
Allow to stand for 2 minutes.
Strain excess water and serve.
Variations in appliance temperature and altitude will influence cooking time and yield; these are a guide only.
These are a guide only

Give your rice a good rinse before cooking, it will cook up separately and scrumptious. Adding seasoning to rice while cooking can ruin its natural flavour. Rather let the natural aroma of Spekko rice invigorate your senses. Older rice loses its moisture and needs to be cooked in more water than fresh rice. Besides speeding up the cooking, this gives the rice a softer, fluffier texture.
Rice tastes better when cooked “al dente”. This means the kernels should not be too soft and when tested between your thumb and forefinger, it must be still be slightly firm to the touch. In short – “just cooked”.
Do not overcook your rice – test and then drain the rice.
1. Start to cook your rice as per the recommended method indicated on the packaging
2. When you think your rice is cooked, remove a few rice kernels from the pot and place them in the middle of a 10 x 7cm square of tinfoil or wax paper
3. Fold over the tinfoil/wax paper, so that the rice kernels are covered
4. Using the back of either a wooden/dessert spoon press down firmly on the rice kernels
5. Open the folded part of tinfoil/wax paper
6. If any hard opaque areas are present in the flattened rice kernels, the rice still needs to be cooked some more
7. Continue with this process (you can use the same square of tinfoil/wax paper until you run out of space) until no white hard cores are visible in the flattened rice kernels any more, your rice is then cooked.
When buying your rice, always check the “sell by date”.
Check on the variations in kernel size and see if there are any broken or discoloured kernels in the pack. If there are – it is not Spekko Rice.
Rice should be kept in a dry, cool larder. If you keep leftover rice, seal the pack or decant into an airtight container. Keep to the sell by date. If you are in the Arctic’s or desert areas, it would probably keep longer.
Give your Spekko Long Grain Parboiled Rice a good rinse before cooking, it will get rid of some starch and cook up more separately and fluffy. This is the way most South Africans like their rice cooked.
Soak Spekko India Gate Basmati Rice in plenty of warm water. Then drain and cook according to the instructions on the pack. It should cook within 5 – 10 minutes.
It is not necessary to add salt to rice. You may however, add salt to suit your own taste. Between us – add some butter, a pinch of black pepper and a bit of stock or wine.
Rice tastes better when cooked “al dente”. This means the kernels should not be too soft and when tested between your thumb and forefinger, it must be still be slightly firm to the touch. In short – “just cooked”.
Do not overcook your rice – test and then drain the rice.